
Tools & Resources for 7 Actionable Principles

The curated TOOLS AND RESOURCES that follow are offered as a sampling as we launch this site in April 2021. We encourage you to pick and choose what you need based on your area of focus, acknowledging that new resources become available daily. If you have a resource you value, please share it so we can continue to build this community of practice, and we will provide opportunities to share new learnings and evolved thinking as part of our ongoing learning exchanges.

Tools & Resources

Hover cursor over images to see descriptions of each item

Browse tools and resources below or filter results by principle and/or type (note every principle may not have every type).

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CNE offers coaching and consulting for nonprofits and funders.


CFA Institute

Holly Hatcher,
Hatcher Consulting LLC

Karen Klick,
Klick Consulting LLC

The 12 community members, including 4 DEI practitioners, that reviewed various iterations of the principles